Wednesday 25 January 2017

Wordbound Wednesday, January 25

What is your favorite word? Write a scene around that word.

He sat one the steps, watching impatiently as the mail truck slowly crept up the street towards his house. He had been waiting for days and finally his package was about to arrive. His toes curled in anticipation.

For weeks, Aiden had been scouring the internet for the perfect pair of sunglasses. All the pairs he had bought in the stores had been broken, stepped on, sat on, thrown out the window by his crazy ex-girlfriend...Aiden scowled at the thought. That had been his favorite pair. But he had finally found the perfect ones. They were light but durable, stylish yet affordable. Plus they came with a free gift of sunscreen. Perfect for a day at the beach, scoping out the hot girls in their bikinis.

The mail truck stopped and Aiden groaned in frustration. He rolled his eyes when he saw the postman get out of the truck, a small package in hand. He sighed, hanging his head. Aiden never received packages. He usually didn't have enough money to afford to order anything to receive in a package. His roommates received packages all the time. Well now it was his turn.

The postman returned to his truck and started to move forward again. Aiden stood up and walked down the sidewalk to meet him.

"How's it goin'?" he asked.

"Just fine," the postman answered, ruffling through the enormous stack of mail. He picked out a stack and handed it to Aiden.

"Any packages today?" Aiden asked. The postman shook his head.

"Not today, sorry." He put the truck in drive and moved on down the street. Aiden stood there frozen, the stack of mail hanging limply from his hand.

How could this be? According to Amazon, his package should have arrived today. He walked back to his front step and sat down, pulling out his phone. Anger seethed inside of him. Why wasn't his package here? It was supposed to be here, it should be here! He flicked through Amazon, looking for the page where it said that his package had been delivered. He reached it and scanned through the message. His heart sank when he saw three letters.

UPS, to be delivered the next day before 8 pm.

Sighing, Aiden put his phone away, picked up the mail, and headed back inside. It seemed that the only package he would be holding was the one he held between his legs every night.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

An Introduction

This blog is dedicated to writing prompts from Wordbound Wednesdays. I'm going to take the prompt and turn it into something. The novel series based on an idea that's been in my head for years is going to draw to a close next November and I need some more ideas if I'm going to keep doing NaNoWriMo and keep doing what I love to do.

Big big thanks to Kristina Horner for the great idea!!!

Live every day like it's NaNo.