Friday 30 June 2017

March 29 Wordbound in late June

Between Camp NaNoWriMo, finals, house sitting, the magic that was Camp Rising Sun, the post-camp depression, summer classes, AND the Final Fantasy expansion I've been in a really bad writing slump. Hence this prompt will be an excerpt from my Camp NaNoWriMo April novel Psycho.

Basically it's about a girl with a monster inside of her trying to bring down the corporation that did this to her with the help of an English teacher and two of his students. The scene takes place in the teacher's house where she spent the night in the guest room after a long night of hunting vampires and is about to leave to get kidnapped...I mean for work.

Prompt: A character opens someone else's desk drawer. What do they find?

Allison woke suddenly and sat up. For a moment she had forgotten where she was. Then the events of last night came to her and she began to relax. Looking at the alarm clock by the bed, she saw that it was 12:30 in the afternoon. Plenty of time to shower and make herself presentable for work. She got out of the bed and opened the door, peering out.

The house was eerily quiet. Allison shuddered, wondering if she should wait until she got home to shower. Deciding that she could wait, she walked down the hall to the balcony. But before she went down the stairs, she stopped and looked to her left, where Aaron’s room was. Surely, it wouldn’t hurt to look.

‘Do it,’ Psycho whispered in her brain.

“Doesn’t seem right to though,” Allison said. “I mean, he shared his secret with us. It should be enough right?”

‘So? I know you want to know more about him. I know you like him.’

“What? Definitely not. You know I can’t like anyone. They took that part out remember?”

‘Ah yes, of course. But still, you know you want to look.’ Allison hesitated, then sighed.

“Damn it.” She walked down the hallway and opened the first door to her right.

The room was massive, much larger than the one she had slept in, and at least twice the size of her apartment. There was a master four-poster bed with curtains, a large dresser, an old roll-top desk, and even an area by the window with an armchair and end table. Allison walked cautiously, as though she might get caught. She walked over to the desk and saw some papers on them. It looked as if they were papers Aaron needed to grade. She picked one up and grimaced at the abysmal writing. Setting it down, she reached out and opened one of the drawers. It was filled with office supplies. She was about to close it when something caught her eye. It was an envelope sticking out of a tray. She pulled it out and opened it, finding a letter.

My dear brother,
            By the time you read this, it will be too late for me. The Laboratories knows that I’ve been sneaking out information to the authorities in hopes of shutting them down. You know some of the things I’ve seen here are too terrible to mention. I don’t know how they found out but they did. Aaron, please don’t come looking for me, and please don’t avenge me like you tried to do mom and dad. I knew what I was doing and was prepared to face the consequences. But I have something I need you to do for me.
            Someone has escaped the laboratories. A test subject they were subjecting to awful methods. She killed many on the way out. Luckily, I was not in her way. I need you to find her and protect her. She could be the only person to bring down the Laboratories and stopping this disaster from happening. She was experiment number A111504, but we called her Allison. It’s so important that you find her and keep her safe Aaron. Please do this for me.

                        I love you brother,

Allison dropped the letter, breathing hard. The house gave a loud creak and she jumped. Scrambling to pick up the letter, she placed it back in the envelope where she had found it and walked out of the room. She flew down the stairs and out the door, pausing for a moment to lock it. She walked quickly down the street, her head rearing, thoughts moving a million miles an hour.

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