Saturday 9 September 2017

Giving Myself Time to Write: April 12 Wordbound

With school and kittens and emotional drainage, it's no wonder I haven't felt like writing recently. But that all ends now. I'm giving myself time to write every Saturday and Sunday until NaNoWriMo starts. Whether it's on my own stuff or prompts, I'll be writing.

April 12: Include something that must be whispered.

"This is stupid," April said to her friends as they sat down in a circle. "We're in high school, we're too old to play telephone."

"Oh come one April," said her friend June sitting next to her. "Where's your inner child?"

"She died, along with my soul," April replied sarcastically.

"There goes April showers again," October said snickering. "Always gotta be the wet blanket." April rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, let's just get this over with."

"September, you're first," said January. April sighed. It was always like January to take control. She was so bossy. September nodded, thought for a second, and then giggled as she turned to August and whispered in her ear. August giggled and repeated the message to July. So it went around the circle of twelve girls. April sighed as May leaned towards her.

"Monday has a big butt," she whispered in her ear. April made a face. What that supposed to be funny. She rolled her eyes again and turned to March, repeating the words quickly. March looked confused, but shrugged and passed the message along. It finally reached October, who looked equally confused.

"What was the message?" January asked.

"Um, money has a big nut?" The other girls burst out laughing. April smiled, then caught herself and stopped.

"What was the message then?" asked December, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Monday has a big but!" September shouted out. The others laughed even harder. April looked down at the ground.

"That's so easy, how did it get messed up?" asked May.

"I heard money has a big nut," March said. The rest of the girls looked at her, then turned their gaze towards April.

"So you messed it up," January said accusingly.

"And if I did?" April asked defensively. "It's a stupid game. That's the point of it."

"April, I'm starting to think that you take things too seriously," January replied in a voice that hinted she was talking down to her. "Maybe you should go and think about that."

"If that means I can get away from you guys, I welcome it." Without waiting for permission, April got up and walked away from the group. In the other room, she heard the girls talking and then they all laughed. Probably talking about her. Rolling her eyes, she took out her cell phone.

"Mom, can you come and get me? I want to come home."

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