Saturday 9 September 2017

Giving Myself Time to Write: April 19 Wordbound

Another excerpt from my April Camp NaNoWriMo story.

That night, Allison, Aaron, Ryan, and Crystal chose a graveyard to search. They moved in and out of the tombstones, looking for any sign of vampires. They had seen on the news that a body drained of blood had been found in the area.

“Guys, this place really gives me the creeps,” Crystal said, clutching her cross and bottle of holy water tight. “Can’t we look somewhere else?”

“This is probably the most likely place where we’ll find them,” Allison replied, eyeing a mausoleum. “I’m going to check in here.”

“Be my guest,” Ryan said, looking as scared as Crystal was.  He walked nearer to her. “Strength in numbers, remember that. Plus, you did well today. I think you have a shot at defending yourself.”

“You serious?” Crystal asked, looking up at him. He nodded. Somewhere in the graveyard, a twig snapped. Crystal jumped and grabbed Ryan’s hand, holding it tight.

“What was that?” she asked.

“I don’t think it was anything,” Ryan answered. “But stay close just in case.” They continued to follow Aaron who was a few yards ahead of them, surveying the ground with a flashlight. Behind them, Allison walked out of the mausoleum, looking disappointed.

“Nothing in there,” she said, closing the door. “I guess this might be a bust after all.” She jogged to catch up with Crystal and Ryan. She noticed something, and gave both of them a confused look.

“Why are you guys holding hands?” Ryan and Crystal looked down, and quickly let go of each other.

“No reason,” Ryan answered, turning red.

“Yeah, whatever,” Crystal said, looking at the ground. “We should catch up to Mr. Perez.” They quickened their pace. But before they could reach him, they saw a shadow leap out from behind a nearby tree and tackle him.

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