Thursday 16 March 2017

Playing Catch Up! Word Prompt from February 22

Man, field work really tired me out! Not to mention I've been spending my time trying to write the million and a half papers we have due in the next month so I can focus on Camp NaNoWriMo. Anyways, here's another word prompt! (Note: It's a spin-off scene from a book series I'm writing).

A character realizes something as they look up into the night sky

"Britannia, come look at this! They're finally pulling out of Vietnam!" Devon walked over and poked his older sister where she sat at the dinner table. Britannia started.

"What? What is it Devon?" she asked.

"Look!" Devon pointed at the television, where a camera was showing a crowd of soldiers and refugees being lifted onto a plane and flown away.

"Isn't it great?" Devon asked excitedly. Britannia tried to smile, but it only came out as a grimace.

"No, it is. It's a great victory for those who've lost their loved ones to this pointless war," she said.

"Britannia, you should be more excited!" Devon crossed his arms and turned away from her, walked back to the couch. "You know, since you got back from Washington D.C. you've been really moody. What happened out there?"

"What happened?" Britannia looked up and saw in a flash what had happened. She gasped. "It, it just got violent Devon that's all."

"Did you see people die?"

"The hell kind of question is that?" Britannia stood up quickly, looking angry. "Who asks that kind of question Devon. You have no idea what happened or what I went through!" She walked quickly to the front door and flung herself outside, slamming it behind her.

She walked halfway down the steps and hopped up onto the granite side rails, laying back. She sighed and brushed away the tears from her face. She had not meant to yell at her brother like that, but he had no idea what she had been through. She closed her eyes, trying to keep down the sobs that were rising. She could see it now, people running and screaming, magic lightning streaking across the air and the four people who meant the most to her disappearing in a flash. She had lost Christana shorty after when she disappeared...and ended right back in San Francisco. Her power to control the weather had been stripped from her. Britanna let out a quiet sob and sat up, rubbing her eyes roughly.

"No business crying about it," she said to herself. "We lost the war, and as far as I know I'm the only one of us that survived. I just need to forget that it ever happened and move on."

But how could she moved on? After everything that she had seen and gone through? After the people she had met and had come to know and love? How could she forget how it felt to save the universe?

Britannia laid back down, gazing up at the night sky which was clearing up from a recent storm. She looked up at the stars, and then gasped.

She saw not one, not two, but six shooting starts streak across the night sky. Sitting up, she looked down, realizing something. A smile began to creep across her face.

"It's not over yet, is it?"

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