Tuesday 7 March 2017

Playing Catch Up! Wordbound Prompt from Feb. 15

Basically grad school hooked it's claws in me and did not let go! This week is my week long field work (clinicals basically) and while I still have tons of assignments to get done, I have a whole other week off to do them. In other words, it's time to play catch up! P.S. I LOVE MY FIELD WORK.

Put a character in an abandoned building or space

Annette cursed quietly as her stiff fingers dropped the match she was holding. Fumbling around in the dark, she picked it up and attempted to light it again. She knew that she risked the dictatorship finding her if she lit a fire, but she also knew that she could not survive the frozen winter night without it. It was a risk she was willing to take if it meant keeping her fingers and toes.

With a hiss, the match flared up. Annette quickly dropped it onto the pile of wood and old newspapers in front of her and began to blow softly on the flames, trying to keep the fire from going out. Soon, a small fire was crackling. Annette put her hands over the flames, sighing in relief as she felt the cold leave them. She looked up at the smoke now ascending through a hole in the ceiling of the abandoned building she had taken refuge in. A pang of worry ignited in her stomach, but she pushed it aside. The fire would only be lit for a moment. She would warm up, eat, and then move on.

Opening up her pack beside her, she took out a protein bar wrapped in foil and took a bite, wincing at the bitter taste. Protein bars were awful, but one could keep you going for hours. Chewing, she stared into her little fire, thinking of how she had come to be in this situation.

It had started with the dictatorship coming to power, overthrowing the once established democracy. At first it seemed like the dictatorship would leave the people alone and only focus on expanding the borders by invading the neighboring countries. And then the raids started. Those who had come to her country as refugees were quickly rounded up and either deported or placed into prisoner death camps. The people attempted to riot but were quickly silenced when their new leader set the military on them. The casualties were devastating. Soon the military began dropping bombs on entire cities, regardless of whether or not they supported the new government. One of those cities had once been Annette's home. Her family had been killed and she was forced to flee with the others towards the northern border in hopes of finding refuge. But they had been separated when they encountered a blizzard.

Annette looked up suddenly, her eyes wide with horror. She heard the unmistakable sound of a helicopter approaching. Cursing, she grabbed a handful of snow and threw it over the fire, which went out at once. Stuffing the protein bar in her mouth, she grabbed her bag and fled from the building. She looked around frantically, searching for a place to hide. The helicopter grew louder. She could see the search lights moving through the buildings and the streets, looking for rebels.

Turning, she saw a small shed, it's door handing by a hinge. She threw herself inside and yanked the door closed as much as she could. She was just in time. She huddled in a corner as the searchlight went over the shed. Hardly daring to breathe, Annette peaked through an opening and saw the helicopter heading south, the large red logo slashed on the side of the new regime. Sighing with relief, she waited until she could no longer hear it, then opened the shed and walked through the abandoned town towards the northern border, hoping to not only find the others, but safety and salvation.

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